Kalanchoe — home care, see on hi-spring.com
Almost in every apartment, you can find such a flower as Kalanchoe, which many people use for decorative and medicinal purposes. This is a fairly undemanding plant.
The homeland of this flower is Madagascar, but it can be found practically throughout Asia. It grows well in greenhouses and in a home. With its thick stems and leaves, Kalanchoe is able to accumulate moisture and be a long time without watering. From evaporation prevents a thin coating, located on the plant. All these factors should be considered when caring for such a decorative creation.
Kalanchoe — a genus of the succulent plants of Crassulaceae family. It has both decorative and medicinal properties. What you need to know about Kalanchoe home care is that almost all its kinds are relatively easy take root at home.
As you may know, this plant blooms only once a year. This period drops at the end of winter/early spring. Of course, with proper care can be achieved the second flowering. During flowering, it is very important to fertilize of pot no more than once per month. After flowering, the plant begins a rest period, during of which it gains strength.
In fact, home care confined to the following aspects:
- Watering. During the summer, the plant should be watered abundantly, but in winter it must be moderate. It is necessary to avoid excessive soil moisture, as this may lead to pests and fungi;
- Lighting. For normal growth and flowering, Kalanchoe needs bright light but should avoid direct sunlight on the pot. Such care is necessary to keep the plants start to bloom;
- Pruning. It is carried out in order to stimulate flowering. Pruning is done after the flowering period ended. In addition, it can help to get a new planting for reproduction.
If you need more information about Kalanchoe, just go to this website https://hi-spring.com/. There you will also learn a lot about caring for other plants.
Let's find out what pests and diseases can harm Kalanchoe and how to handle them.
Aphids — small green insects from which the plant may die. To get rid of them you should wash the plant with soap potash. If it's excessively damaged (fall leaves, flowers wither, and so on), it's better to destroy the damaged parts.
Scale insects — insects, forming a grayish patina and secrete mucus. Because of them can develop fungus. Remove these insects with brush and the mucus with alcohol.
Late blight — manifested in the form of brown spots. To get rid of it, discontinue irrigation, dry the soil and use Profit Gold, Ridomil or Previkur.
Gray mold is spread in the form of gray wet spots. It disappears in compliance with agricultural technology and use of Rovral, Fundazol.
Powdery mildew appears as a white powdery coating or spots. Helps to spray Topaz, Fundazol, and compliance the conditions of care.
Subject to the above rules of plant care, it is practically not exposed to diseases and pleases its decorative appearance and healing properties for a long time.